homoeopathic remedies robbins homeopathy

Elders Rejuvenate with Homeopathy

‘When I was a wee whippersnapper, we milked the cows at dawn and walked 20 miles to the old brick schoolhouse…’

Heard something similar from Grandpa as he tells you that you’ve got it good? Heard it 100 times? Elderly people are often absent-minded and forgetful. If there’s a change to the routine…. “Whoa, Nelly!”, the heebie jeebies set in.

For five top remedies to help Grandpa pull up his socks (he gets dizzy when he bends over, see) read on:

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Suppress and Drive Deeper; why homeopathy welcomes Redbeard

Say someone has an itchy skin rash on her chin. Wearing a mask covers it up. But she still looks like Redbeard when the mask comes off. After a visit to the doctor, her rash disappears because she rubbed on the prescribed steroidal cream. Tra la, she’s cured! A few months later her stomach begins acting up; problems with digestion – intestinal cramps, bloating and gas, heartburn after eating – prompt a second doctor’s visit for an antiacid.

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Spotty Teen Homeopathy for Acne

Spotty Teens

And we thought the terrible twos were tricky!  When the hormones come marching in they bring a parade of stresses caused by the physical and emotional shifts they trigger.

Puberty can be delayed or premature and when it does come it can  confuse  and frighten the child whose body is changing.  Peer pressures,  academic performance create insecurity, uncertainty,  fears and low self-esteem. Identity and belonging issues challenge friend and family relations.

Homeopathy offers an array of useful remedies for emotional and physical support. Read on to learn of five top remedies that address a top teen trouble:  Acne. Future posts will address common emotional discomforts of growing up.

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Environmental Stress Remedies

If your fish is sick, clean the tank, they say. The fish gets better. 

We all know there are countless sources of environmental stress that poison the ‘tank’ we swim is less than ideal.  Airborne and waterborne chemicals, metals in our buildings and in the products we use, chemicals in what we eat and drink, loud or repetitive noises, electromagnetic radiation  from phones, WIFI, smart meters… etc, etc, etc.

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