Homeopathic Remedies for Summertime Stings & Bites

Ah, at last, bright sun and warm weather and the lure of going barefoot in the grass. Summer offers a cornucopia of fruity delights – revel in them!

Should something cause a relentless itch or a painful sting turn to homeopathy for a solution.

Below are top homeopathic remedies for summer stings and bites or for wounds.

Give every five minutes for up to 10 doses. If 6ch is not available, take 30ch potency. Take in a clean mouth, 20 minutes away from food or drink. Reduce on improvement.

Stings & Bites


Quickly remove stinger of bee or wasp. Use ice pack to slow spread of poison.  

If the sting is not too severe, apply undiluted  Ledum tincture, applied topically, should antidote the venom.  Use Calendula/Hypericum or Urtica urens tincture if Ledum not available.

Go to nearest emergency room if patient is having trouble breathing, if fainting  or confusion occur, if mouth or throat swell, if there is a known allergy or if symptoms get worse.

Apis 30ch  addresses burning (hot) stinging pains with a rosy swelling. Puffy. Worse from heat. Bee and jellyfish stings. If hives develop  after bite.  Subdues allergic reaction while enroute to hospital   

Ledum 30ch works for  puncture wounds and bee stings when Apis does not work. Wasp stings.  Tick bites.  (Lyme disease requires specialist homeopathic care. Get in touch for  support) Ledum is particularly effective when bite is on  limbs, hands. Affected parts may feel cold to the touch, relieved by cold applications.

Cantharis 30ch  when wound is red, inflamed, and burning

Carbolic acid 30ch for anaphylactic shock or collapse from bee or wasp sting. Hives covering body

Hypericum 30ch if severe pain shoots up from injury this  indicates that nerves have been affected. Usually in limbs.

Staphysagria 30ch for large, irritating mosquito bites, especially in children.


Keep patient calm and ensure that bitten part is kept below level of heart. Move slowly and as little as possible so as not to spread venom.

Carbolic acidum 6ch  face is dusky red, pale around nose and mouth. Languid with keen sense of smell. (Vomiting) with feeble pulse, slow shallow breathing

Crotalus horridus  6ch in serious cases after snake (rattlesnake) bite.  Rapid swelling and discoloration around bite. Sensitive to jarring

Lachesis 6ch purple discoloration around snake bite. Possible oozing of dark blood. Tarantula bite.

Bites in general

Androctonus 30ch or, if not available, Ledum 30ch for scorpion bite

Tarant cub 6ch for blueness and burning

Oxidum acidum 6ch when affected part is cold and numb. Violent pains and trembling. Streaks of rash around site of bite

Urtica urens 6ch addresses rashes or itchy bumps from poisonous plants. 

Moschus 6ch  If patient faints, cannot breathe properly.

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