Cell Salts: Gentle Nutritional Supplements   

Cell salts are nutritive, biochemical supplements that boost the immune system, remedy stomach aches, ease pain, reduce stress, prevent the cold you might have caught and speed recovery for any cold you do get. 

They’re low dose and create no side effects, gentle enough for babies, the elderly and pets.  You can take them alongside any medications. Here’s a DIY holiday treat for you and the family.

Holiday cooking, family dynamics, scheduling and organising, not to mention indigestion from over indulgence, make a strong case for these mineral salts:

Cell Salt Holiday Helpers:

Tummy upset: gastric disorders, heart burn, stomach acidity – take Nat phos and Kali phos.

Coughs, colds and children’s fevers can be tamed with Kali mur

Sprains and strains are repaired, and pain are reduced and can disappear with Calc fluor and Calc phos

Emotional stress, simple insomnia, a worn-out feeling are lessened and can be eliminated with Kali phos.

Here’s what cell salts do in general:

enhance/prolong effect of constitutional homeopathic remedy 

address physical symptom or condition that remedy does not cover

cover a range of conditions – supporting teeth and bone health, nerve pain, muscle cramps, water retention, skin problems and gut health. 

replace constitutional remedies at beginning of treatment

support patients with multiple symptoms 

What are cell salts made of? 

In the 19th Century, a German doctor, Dr Schuessler, discovered that the human cell is made up of 12 minerals which form the basic constituents of our bones, blood, muscles and organs.  He created a biochemical system of 12 cell (or tissue) salts which are composed of minute traces of these minerals in a lactose tablet.  They are homeopathically prepared, usually in a 6x potency. They dissolve easily in the mouth and can be absorbed quickly through the oral mucus membranes, entering the bloodstream. 

How to take cell salts

Take three tablets three times daily to ameliorate an ACUTE situation. 

Repeat dose depending on severity of symptoms:

Intense: every ½ hour (severe pain, high fever) for up to 10 doses

Medium: every 2,3 hours (bad cough, bearable pain) for up to 10 doses

Mild: every 4 to 6 hours (can carry on with other things) for up to 5 days

Take three tablets twice daily over a month or two to address a CHRONIC problem. 

For either regime, take M-F, with weekends off.

Reduce Cell Salts on Improvement

Take less frequently if some positive results

STOP if marked improvement

STOP if no change 

Severe: stop after 10 doses

Moderate: stop after 5 days

Chronic: stop after one, two months

If more than one cell salt is recommended, alternate or take together.

Where to get cell salts

buy or order salts in a local pharmacy. Potency is 6X (6D in Europe) 

Also, look at our article about Rehydration and cell salts

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