
Homeopathic Rx to alleviate Anxiety and Sleeplessness Robbins Homeopathy

Homeopathic Rx to alleviate Anxiety and Sleeplessness

Anxiousness may be one of the most widespread emotional and mental states in Western society.  Homeopathy can help. Worry about what has happened or will happen, increase heart rate, clammy skin, sleep and appetite troubles affect large percentages of the population. Read on for homeopathic solutions.

Severe symptoms include shortness of breath, chest pains, sweating.. . yes, similar to a heart attack. Of course we are anxious about dangers – and this is a useful reaction to a threat. We worry when we confront a difficult situation failure, inability   to recover from illness, house move or job loss,  the struggles of a loved one. But when anxiety becomes more or less permanent – when we worry all the time then our overall comportment suffers. Depression, compulsion, obsession, and rigidity may make it impossible to cope. ‘This armor ultimately blocks us from living fully and from relating to others with spontaneity, ease and openheartedness’, says Tara Brach, Buddhist spiritual guru on America’s East Coast. Physical illness is often the end product. 

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Best Ways to alleviate Anxiety and Sleeplessness alongside Homeopathy Robbins Homeopathy

Best Ways to alleviate Anxiety and Sleeplessness alongside Homeopathy

Anxiousness may be one of the most common emotional and mental states in Western society.  Already using homeopathy? How to supplement this? Worry about what has happened or will happen can increase heart rate, cause clammy skin and  inflict sleep and appetite problems. Symptoms include shortness of breath, chest pains, and sweating yes, similar to a heart attack. We worry when we confront a difficult situation, failure, cannot  recover from illness, move house  or lose a job.

We worry if these things happen to a loved one.  Of course we are anxious about dangers – and this is a useful acute reaction to a threat.  But when anxiety becomes chronic  – when we worry all the time – our overall comportment suffers. Frequent and unpredictable panic attacks, depression, compulsion, obsession may make it possible to cope. But we become rigid: a bundle of tense muscles. While this armour protects us it also ‘blocks us from living fully and from relating to others with spontaneity, ease and openheartedness’, says Tara Brach, Buddhist spiritual guru on America’s East Coast. Physical illness is often the end product, according to many doctors and alternative health practitioners. 

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Supplements to ward off colds coughs from Robbins Homeopath

Supplements to Ward Off Colds

The hangdog doldrums of a cold challenge the best of us to find energy.

Under the weather? Can’t shake it? Recurrent colds or long convalescence signal that the immune system needs a boost.  Stress? Poor nutrition?  A conventional doctor might recommend aspirin or an antihistamine. Antibiotics can treat bacterial infections. There are supplements to strengthen your resilience and shorten the length of the cold if you do succumb. While children tend to get colds more often than adults do, if a cold in either young or old persons hangs on too long, it’s time for action.

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Robbins Homeopathy Cold Remedy

Homeopathic Remedies for Colds

It’s sunny and warm; spring is here and off you go on a walk. Without a jacket. Alas, there’s a cold nip in the wind and clouds obscure the sun. Soon, shivers replace your sense of well-being. At home you sneeze or shiver, cough or clutch at a sudden sore throat. Consider the natural benefits of homeopathy as a first port of call. 

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Homeopathic Remedies for Sprains and Strains

Oops!  ‘Next time –  I’ll get some help when I lift that … I’ll stretch before I run… I’ll watch where I step.’

Sprains and strains hurt and take time to heal. Swelling and stiffness occur. When you move the joint or muscle: ouch!  Symptoms are almost identical for a sprain – when you overstretch or tear a ligament or a strain – when muscle fibres may be torn. You will know if a bone is fractured:  you cannot move the affected part/put weight on the foot or leg. The pain is close to intolerable.  A doctor would must likely suggest an ultrasound (ecografia) or, if a break is suspected, an x-ray (radiografia).

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Alley in snowy morning

Homeopathic Remedies for Flu Season

Aches and pains? Cannot keep warm? Sore throat? Hacking cough? Grumpy bear?
While each winter ushers in a different strain of flu, the symptoms are often similar. Hibernating in your duvet will afford needed bed rest. Here are a few commonly indicated homeopathic remedies to help speed recovery, provide energy and put you back on your best feet. If you take the right remedy at or near the start, it may ameliorate symptoms and shorten their duration.

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